Dschreibman Oath

This forum is where new recruits post their allegiance to the Federation Command.

Moderators: Starfleet Security, Federation Council

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Posts: 1
Joined: April 9th, 2017, 7:27 pm
STO Handle: @lezar123

Dschreibman Oath

Post by Dschreibman »

I, Dschreibman, solemnly and sincerely affirm that, on becoming commissioned within FEDERATION COMMAND, I will with the utmost honour, integrity, and respect, be faithful and bear true allegiance to the Constitution and associated Policies, customs and glorious traditions of FEDERATION COMMAND and all lawful orders of the Officers appointed above me, for as long as I remain an Officer.

Main Star Trek game: STO (PC and Xbox One)
Other Star Trek game(s): Star Trek Armada 3
Previous Star Trek fleet(s) served: None
Star Trek Online game handle: @lezar123
Time zone or nation: P.S.T (California)
Officer that recruited you or How were you referred to FC: Found Fleet on Internet
Other information
Been day one Trekkie since childhood, I possess vast amount of Star Trek knowledge and am interested in practically all aspects of our beloved series.
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Joined: May 20th, 2011, 11:24 pm

Re: Dschreibman Oath

Post by Picard »

Welcome Dschreibman!

Our community has "moved" or is currently in the process of moving site.

You can find us at www.startrek.st

Our new forums are at www.startrek.st/forums

I look forward to hearing from you!
Thank you,
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