Official [FC] Federation Command Team speak 3 Server

Announcements from the Federation Command leadership to the community.

Moderators: Starfleet Security, Federation Council, Office of Propaganda

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Official [FC] Federation Command Team speak 3 Server

Post by Silverado »

Greetings Officers of [FC] and Visitors from fleets abroad,

For the information of all hands. The Federation Command [FC] Team Speak 3 Server is officially Online for everyone to enjoy!. Feel free to hang out, socialize and run in game events or parties. Channels have also been created to conduct fleet operation requirements such as Diplomacy, Engineering, Security and upper level management of [FC]. Please check out the Server For More Information.

Also be it know that. Modifications have been made to TS3 which allow for 24 hour AI or commonly know as a (bot) technology to handle some security and automation of the TS3 server itself. Friendly Welcome messages and stats will be given to officers and visitors each time they return for a visit. The other function of this technological asset will be kept classified at this time.

GUESTS: All guests will by default be restricted to the transporter room and visitor level channels. This is by default and intended to help prevent disturbances which might distract or take away from good order and gaming on the TS3 Server.

ALLIES: If you are a officer from a fleet in which [FC] Recognizes official diplomatic relations with please contact a Councilor or Sever Administrator to be granted appropriate diplomatic clearance to our Allied Lounge.

[FC]: If you are an Officer in [FC] please contact a member of the Council or a Server Administrator to be given your appropriate officer clearance for the member only channels. The Code Of Conduct although not officially published yet applies to all channels and areas of the TS3 Server. All Officers will conduct themselves in a manner as to bring no discredit or reflect badly upon [FC] The Complaint system in TS3 is in effect which allows you to report guest and officers for such violations. Security will review those logs Daily and conduct investigations as needed to determine if any action needs to be taken.

Patches / Mods / Games / Software are available for download via TS3. There is a channel called ‘The File Room” which if you right click on and then select file browser will allow Officers and higher to download and upload content from the built in TS3 File management system. The service however is backed with a healthy 25GB Storage allowance and a 100mb burstable data connection.


Comments, Questions and Suggestions can be directed to Myself via the forums PM system.

This has been a official announcement from The Federation Command.
Fleet Admiral
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Re: Official [FC] Federation Command Team speak 3 Server

Post by Picard »

Understood, Thank you Silverado.
Thank you,
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Re: Official [FC] Federation Command Team speak 3 Server

Post by Trip »

R&U also thank you silverado
The Pirate of AE
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Re: Official [FC] Federation Command Team speak 3 Server

Post by The Pirate of AE »

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