A Statement from Section 31 Roleplay

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Re: A Statement from Section 31 Roleplay

Post by Shroombuck »

Agreed. I am not saddened to see this. If we would indeed have had diplomatic relations with Section 31 Roleplay and we would find ourselves in a situation in which we would require your assistance, what exactly can our glorious Fleet expect from a roleplay Fleet? Roleplay our enemies into destruction?

Please, my genius could do that for you instead.
Last edited by Shroombuck on August 9th, 2011, 6:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
{S31} Richard Evans
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Re: A Statement from Section 31 Roleplay

Post by {S31} Richard Evans »

You and your fleet do not have the credentials to judge us.

At no time has S31 tried to get in touch with FC in an attempt to understand the motivations and reasons behind our actions. Perhaps you should have asked yourselves why is it that all 4 former Fleet Admirals of UFP have re-opened FC. Why is it that most of its membership has chosen FC over UFP. The United Federation of Planets has made quite a lot of accusations, however they have failed to provide evidence for any of it.

I am interpreting your post here as a gross insult. FC had no formal relations with S31, consequently you cannot be ''stopping'' anything since no treaty existed in the first place.

Your close ties with [UFP] and the reasons you use to "break relations" speak for themselves, you have chosen a side in what is a internal matter between UFP and FC.

To make such a statement when no "official" relations existed between FC and S31 in the first place is laughable.

Since you claim to be a EF1 clan I challenge any of you to a proper game of EF1. Such arrogance deserves a proper response and since this is a gaming community....
Mr Picard,

Whilst I respect your comments, and reasoning, I understand your anger. Section 31 Roleplay builds it's relations with friends, and friendships between groups. We had started that, however, we hadn't kept in contact in a while, which I will apologize for.

You mention about the majourity of members moving from [UFP] to [FC] and the other former fleet admirals. Again, this is something that we think is commendable, and we congratulate you on doing this.

Choosing sides in a matter like this is an option which is stupid for a third party. Although official relations haven't started with [UFP], we remain objective to all that has gone on.

I apologize if you believe that this is an insult.

This is all that I shall be posting about this matter now. Thank you for your time, and I wish you good luck in the future.

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Re: A Statement from Section 31 Roleplay

Post by Silverado »

S31 is on UFP forums having happy nice play time with them or for a lack of better words kissing ass. I bet the real plan here is for S31 to try and merger UFP under the S31 name in an attempt to fill S31's own ailing and inactive ranks. lol

Funny thing is the posts S31 made over at UFP is 2 days only and doesnt even have half as many posts as FC has put forth in a matter of minutes.

Heero Yuy
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Re: A Statement from Section 31 Roleplay

Post by Heero Yuy »

Again my question is, Will you be cutting contact with [UFP] as well.
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Re: A Statement from Section 31 Roleplay

Post by Costello »

{S31} Richard Evans wrote:
You and your fleet do not have the credentials to judge us.

At no time has S31 tried to get in touch with FC in an attempt to understand the motivations and reasons behind our actions. Perhaps you should have asked yourselves why is it that all 4 former Fleet Admirals of UFP have re-opened FC. Why is it that most of its membership has chosen FC over UFP. The United Federation of Planets has made quite a lot of accusations, however they have failed to provide evidence for any of it.

I am interpreting your post here as a gross insult. FC had no formal relations with S31, consequently you cannot be ''stopping'' anything since no treaty existed in the first place.

Your close ties with [UFP] and the reasons you use to "break relations" speak for themselves, you have chosen a side in what is a internal matter between UFP and FC.

To make such a statement when no "official" relations existed between FC and S31 in the first place is laughable.

Since you claim to be a EF1 clan I challenge any of you to a proper game of EF1. Such arrogance deserves a proper response and since this is a gaming community....
Mr Picard,

Whilst I respect your comments, and reasoning, I understand your anger. Section 31 Roleplay builds it's relations with friends, and friendships between groups. We had started that, however, we hadn't kept in contact in a while, which I will apologize for.

You mention about the majourity of members moving from [UFP] to [FC] and the other former fleet admirals. Again, this is something that we think is commendable, and we congratulate you on doing this.

Choosing sides in a matter like this is an option which is stupid for a third party. Although official relations haven't started with [UFP], we remain objective to all that has gone on.

I apologize if you believe that this is an insult.

This is all that I shall be posting about this matter now. Thank you for your time, and I wish you good luck in the future.

You don't have to take sides, you can show professional courtesy and keep communications open with both fleets while being almost non-partisan in regards to the copyright affair. If one fleet objects in this situation; that's their problem frankly, you hold the higher moral standing by not being so petulant.

If only you had chosen this path, Richard. (Oh and by the way, the [UFP] designs are my doing.)

Please everyone keep this professional, I'm looking at you Silverado.
The Pirate of AE
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Re: A Statement from Section 31 Roleplay

Post by The Pirate of AE »

In all, i think your making this post to please the sinking wreak that is UFP's Flagship. IMO yea the full copyright claim has stepped over the line; but your just making yourself look like a fool. If i were in your position; I would have posted this internally in your fleet. and quietly stopped all interaction, going public has almost stated your siding with UFP, In big BOLD letters.

Last edited by The Pirate of AE on August 9th, 2011, 6:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Better wording
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Re: A Statement from Section 31 Roleplay

Post by Picard »

Richard Evans,

While I appreciate your professionalism, kind words are not enough to blind us to the real motivations behind your statement. Since S31 held no relations with FC it is obvious, as I previously said, that this is a statement of support for UFP. Such a statement on our forums is an act of aggression.

Federation Command does not take such statements lightly. What you have just done here is get involved in matters that are none of your concern only to please UFP, to what end, only you and your organization know. What I do know is that it is a foolish move.

While you congratulate UFP on their new forums, what you do not appear to realize is that the background and the banner were created by [FC]Artful, the only genuine creation from UFP are the transparent layers, the rest is the intellectual property of Mr. Artful protected by international copyright laws and the Berne convention. So if you thought that UFP could help S31 with graphics I think your luck just ran out. There is no talent left in UFP, all they can do is use material created by FC officers. That is until their web site is taken down for copyright infringement.

Note: In your UFP post you seem to congratulate UFP on their activity, in fact UFP barely has 10 active members left, it is probably in a even worst shape than S31. I am sure you two will make excellent allies.

One thing is for certain, you have not made any friends here. If only you and UFP had the courage of declaring war on FC, then we could at least have some fun.
Thank you,
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Re: A Statement from Section 31 Roleplay

Post by TParis »

Mr. Evans,

Your legal credentials are lacking. I really can't feel bad at your decision, I really couldn't care less. The courts will solve the legal trouble between Mr. Naruto, Mr. BobO, and myself. You can eat your words later after the courts have proven copyright infringement has taken place. You are a roleplaying fleet, we have zero interest in you. When I was Fleet Admiral of UFP, you were a nuisance that visited my forums and you had no real understanding of what UFP was. Now you annoy me here. Feel free to strengthen your relationship with UFP and not us. We gain nothing from you except the occasional laugh at your arrogance and your cluelessness.

Be gone.


P.S. My apologies to real gaming fleets who intend to do business with us. I am not representative of the level of professionalism within FC.
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Re: A Statement from Section 31 Roleplay

Post by Eagle Eyes »

locked.. this is getting out of hand in my view.

S31 if you want to go mess around with UFP go for it but don't come running back to us and saying how UFP did you wrong.
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