The reason there are riots within the Empire

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The reason there are riots within the Empire

Post by Shroombuck »

As you are all aware our Great British Empire has been terrorised by an underclass or welfare dependant, drug adult, criminal scum whom have been allowed to run riot in the streets because the police have not been allowed to do their duty and protect the upright citizens of our glorious Empire.

The media are full of speculation as to why it happened. It's rather simple actually. The root cause of this whole business is sheer nonsense, sheer stupidity and a stunted feral view of the world, which turned into self-inflicted moral and metal disablement. This in turn is a direct product of an entitlement culture that rewards idleness, stupidity, encourages victimhood and compensates the lowly educated commoners as well as criminals. This is the true cause for the riots. It happened because none where there to bring it to a halt, it happened because we do not have enough police officers who have been properly trained to deal with situations like this. The underlying nature of the undertrained police force is the lack of financial support from Her Majesty's Government, not to mention that the police officers are not allowed to use all means necessary to deal with riot control; such as water cannons, teargas, rubber bullets and what have you. Officers have also learned that if they do lay a hand on one of these rioters, they are likely to be charged with assault.

If the police force had gone in straight away when the riots commenced, and cracked some heads, the media would have been all over them for police brutality. This is the world upside down, gentlemen! Our police officers are even not allowed to carry arms, except in special situations. I would have thought the current state of affairs warrants such a measure, wouldn't you say? They are not allowed to carry a firearm, yet gun violence is part of the daily livelihood of many criminals in our Empire. In fact, in some instances it seems like every half-witted commoner is carrying a firearm jammed down his belt and his trousers half down his knees. This is ridiculous!

This whole business started when the police shot Mark Duggan. Do we really think that the police went out and killed a random innocent man? Or rather, as the local residents say, was he not a 'major player' in the Tottenham criminal underworld? They say he 'lived by the gun', and caused 'grief' to local people. Some say he was a crack cocaine dealer. His fiancée says he was determined not to go back to jail (so he has been in jail) and he has a child with her and another woman. She also has other children from another man. Yet what do Mark Duggan's parents say? That he was a good father and a respected member of the local community. How can someone with that reputation be considered a respected member of the local community? Shoot me in the head please? Such people should be prohibited from spreading their rotten seed by a procedure of medical sterilisation, I think.

The media claim this transpired because people are unemployed. Of course it didn't! Who needs a job when you can deal in crack and cocaine? If they had to look for employment, they first would have to finish elementary school and learn how to read and write! Then the media claim; it happens because they are disengaged from society. Are they? How awful for them. A Guardian reporter stopped one in the street and asked why he was partaking. The half-witted commoner said: 'Cause I have no money!'. Screw me please? My heart truly does go out to this poor little chav. He has no money, because he spent all his bloody money on acquiring a Blackberry phone with crack and cocaine in it. Of course they have money. They are just social undereducated parasites who deserve to be clubbed to death for their insolence. They have no job, because they are unemployable. They are outcasts; they are inadequate, lacking moral backbone, knowledge and intelligence. In effect they are rats who shit in their own nest!

Our Great British Empire should annex Iceland and convert it into a penal colony for these socialist leeches. Such leeches will never be able to succeed in life for there was nothing to begin with. But hey! They can blame their stupid and ignorant parents for that, instead of the lack of opportunity within our Glorious Empire. In the far corners of our Empire there are people who can only dream of the lack of opportunity of these disgusting parasitical half-witted human vermin's. If our Glorious Empire had any justice system worthy of these obnoxious riots, those partaking in these riots should automatically be deported to the Penal Colony of Iceland (which we just annexed), lose their state-benefits for life, their houses demolished, their family sterilised. Wait? Would this not violate their Human Rights? Well, fuck me please? Do we care? No of course we do not! What will happen now? Some of them will be brought before the Courts, others will drag their newly acquire plasma television sets to their cardboard boxes down at the Underground.

Such is life.
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Re: The reason there are riots within the Empire

Post by TParis »

For fucks sake, spot on. I echo your opinions on the victimhood and entitlement culture we've developed, on the lack of police training and effective control measures, and more importantly that the crack and drug dealers are in that life because they made bad choices and they have to suffer the consequences. It isn't society's responsibility to help people who had the chance to help themselves and failed to do it.
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Re: The reason there are riots within the Empire

Post by Picard »

You have to admire someone who really don't give a shit about political correctness. Society needs more people like you.

I would like to add this: Governments and societies have become weak and tolerates too much from immigrants who refuse to assimilate themselves in our society. Multiculturalism is a failure.

As of poor people and the "underclass" in a capitalist world you need these people, without stupid people who have no ambition how can there be an "elite" who are we suppose to exploit if we don't allow them to reproduce themselves?
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Re: The reason there are riots within the Empire

Post by Carbonizer »

The next paragraph might be a bit extreme.. :P

The looting is just rebellion with no cause. Like [UFP], it will crumble and the law will win.

Political correctness has driven away true values of discipline, honour and most of all respect for the law. When you see these 12 year old kids on the news and what not, they dont respect anyone. They probably just thought it was a laugh stabbing the hell out of a kid his own age or throwing bricks at the police. Its damnright disgusting that these human right activists have protested the right that these thugs and down right scum are allowed the basic rights of a law abiding citizen. Again, if they break the law, they are a criminal and should be treated as such and made a damned lesson to the rest of the scum who want to commit crimes. If you do, you will be broken to the full extent of the damned law ! Not hugged, given a nice warm cup of hot chocolate and a nice bed time story with a fat paycheck every month, a chance to get a job on the outside and all these opportunities that defy the point of prison. They broke the damn law, not walking into a school. To be honest, this may be an extreme view but it makes me feel sort of sick inside knowing these multiple rapists, murderers and downright sick individuals have chance of bail, early release for good behaviour and most of all, a chance to get a job or at least have all the money they were just handed in prison. The tax payers are paying for hotels and small education centres within Prisons, I would rather eat the tax money than allow the scum who just abuse the law to go back to prison constantly as its like a holiday to them.
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Re: The reason there are riots within the Empire

Post by Kelbie »

There was two people who tried to do it in Dundee but they are arrested.
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Re: The reason there are riots within the Empire

Post by Alexraptor »

This isn't very entertaining.... :|
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Re: The reason there are riots within the Empire

Post by DJay »

Alexraptor wrote:This isn't very entertaining.... :|
Not for you, but for the rioters, hell yes. :lol:
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Re: The reason there are riots within the Empire

Post by Costello »

I am drunk. I say we shoot the bastards.
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Re: The reason there are riots within the Empire

Post by Eagle Eyes »

The reason there are riots in England...Because the English are crazy :lol:
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Re: The reason there are riots within the Empire

Post by Jesse »

They are just social undereducated parasites who deserve to be clubbed to death for their insolence.

I firmly believe that the solution to the underlying problem these riots are in response to is NOT to feel pity for them and try to make their life more comfortable. The solution is to make their lives harder. Stop giving them handouts of any kind. Also, let the police belt the crap out of people in a national emergency such as this.

The British Government needs to stop being so politically correct and exercise some tough love. The situation will certainly improve when those who riot are forced to work to survive. Then they will stop taking everything for granted, and will be too busy to riot.
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