Vanguard Command: The Long Night of Solace

Announcements from the Federation Command leadership to the community.

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Vanguard Command: The Long Night of Solace

Post by Janeway »

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The Long Night of Solace
At first I wasn't sure whether or not to make this post but given that this will be the last time all of us are here on Federation Command I thought it fitting - a reminder of the things we've all been through whether you joined during FEDS/FC, UFP, or the current Federation Command 2011 era.

Things have changed since the golden age of [UFP]. We are no longer the grandeur of every Star Trek gaming fleet in existence - heck, there aren't really any left anyways. We aren't the crown jewels of any other gaming community because we stuck to principles born from old and were unable to adapt to the new: to what people expect in 2015. To some, this may sound like an admittance of defeat but in truth it clears the air for what is to come.

Federation Command's 2011 era began after the UFDF merger ended disastrously - splitting [UFP] into two: FC and STR ("Star Trek Tactical Response"). Two community, unable to live in a symbiotic relationship and unlike the rebellions of DFP ("Democratic Federation of Planets") which really didn't have an effect on UFP, the split between those of UFDF and UFP would tear the United Federation of Planets apart only to be reborn again. This a lone is a testament to how much this community has endured and as we turn the page on the next chapter we will begin a journey truly into the unknown. There will be no reset button - there will be no redo; our next chapter is either the conclusion to the story or the first entry into a new book.

We've remained stagnant far to long - merely existing as new people come and go but this is about to change. Tomorrow, June 18th, 2015 - just shy of the four year anniversary of the new Federation Command which would have been July 16th: we will be reborn with a clean slate to begin anew. We will be Vanguard Command; initially code-named Project Phoenix and the most ambitious effort to be ever undertaken by our community.

What Is Vanguard Command?

Vanguard Command is a gaming community, initially founded in 2002 as Federation Command, that supports a wide variety of popular games with an orientation towards the science fiction genre. From games like Star Citizen, VEGA Conflict, and Elite: Dangerous to World of Warships, Grand Theft Auto V, and other games from the Wargaming catalog, Vanguard Command adopts a policy of organic adaptation - allowing us to expand into popular games and become a community nexus for the games we support. We've had a long history of excellence, professionalism, and dedication - especially to the inclinations and values of Star Trek.

Here's what Vanguard Command has to offer:
  • Increased Enjoyment of Online Gaming
  • Gaming Community Atmosphere for Casual and Hardcore Gaming
  • Choice to Be Either a Community Member or a Fleet Member
  • Diverse Community With Members from All Areas of the Globe and all Walks of Life
  • Diverse Fleet With Members from All Areas of the Globe and all Walks of Life
  • Military-style Fleet Command Structure
  • Stable Fleet Structure Composed of Veterans of the Community
You don't even have to play games to join! We have a variety of members who have signed up simply for the community aspect.

Returning Members - Switching from FC to VC

We've tried to make the transition as smooth as possible but technological limitations means you'll have to do a few things. First, before June 17th ensure that your Federation Command email address is valid and up-to-date. You'll need it to sign in on June 18th. Here's what you'll need to do:
What about Steam Connect and Facebook Connect?

If you want to take advantage of the many new Sign In features like Steam Connect and Facebook Connect you must first follow the instructions above because you already have a Vanguard Command account. Afterwards, we strongly urge you to link your Steam account so that all you need to do is click "Steam Sign In" to login to Vanguard Command. You'll also get access to many unprecedented new interaction features that were previously unavailable.

Facebook Connect will not be available at launch. It is unknown when Facebook Connect will be available as a Sign In option.

Driving New Experiences with One VC

For months we've talked about how we want to drive interactive features and experiences by creating connections and simplifying our website and forums. We wanted to make the website useful unlike Federation Command and we wanted to expand on the forums to build a community.

Essentially, we wanted to drive new experiences with One VC: the objective to unify all interactions across VC. You have on account with multiple ways to sign in but that one account can be used to interact with the entire Vanguard Command site. You can post comments from the Vanguard Command homepage and they'll show up in forums and vice versa.

Let's take a quick look at the One VC revolution:

For the Department of Propaganda, Fleet Command, Field Commander, the Vanguard Senate, and the Vanguard Council posting news stories has never been easier from the Wordpress Dashboard. Better yet, thanks to the seamless integration of One VC, you post without having to have two separate accounts and your identity is shared across the forums, homepage, and even the Wiki:
Comments posted from the forums show up in Wordpress, again sharing the same identity thanks to One VC:
Naturally, this seamless integration allows news articles to be posted anywhere via the integration of One VC:
Through the use of advanced extensions and a remarkable amount of planning, BBCode is respected by both the homepage and the forums meaning that the integration One VC provides gives you the same exact experience whether you're interacting with VC through the homepage or the forums:
Community engagement and interaction is what makes the foundation of Vanguard Command. Where Federation Command was a fleet first and community second Vanguard Command is a community first and a fleet second. The fleet is an extension and by being a member of the fleet you will gain access to exclusive features and events not offered to the community as a whole. However, anyone and everyone is welcomed to join Vanguard Command. Thanks to our two echelon membership, we have positioned Vanguard Command to become a community hub - a nexus if you will.

Archiving the Past: Looking Towards the Future

I wasn't joking when I said that we are literally taking everything from Federation Command with us. Every post, every thread, every PM, every action. However, Vanguard Command marks a fresh slate; a chance to begin refreshed. A lot of threads will be archived and Federation Command's site itself will remain intact thanks to Picard. Additionally, the history of not only Federation Command but the United Federation of Planets will be part of the history chronology of Vanguard Command through the Vanguard Command Wiki.

Vanguard Command: An Evolving Experience

Picard once stated that Federation Command launched in about two weeks which I rebutted by stating something a long the lines of "it's easy to launch a site when it's a copy and paste job of a 2005 site which was in turn a copy and paste job of 2002. Federation Command is an example of merely "existing" on the Internet as Costello would put it. To survive however we must not simply exist but we must also understand that there's a time where we have to open the doors.

So I want to make it clear: Vanguard Command is an evolving experience. New features will be added as time goes on and as we establish ourselves in new games the more and more we will evolve. It will take a lot of hard work from everyone to get Vanguard Command on its feet - we've only laid the foundation to do so.

The Foundation of a New Beginning

In the coming days and weeks I promise that you will likely see familiar faces and new members alike. Vanguard Command represents a paradigm shift that will interest many but also deter some. We've lost some great members of the Federation Command family and some will hopefully return. Others may not. Then there will be the new members - bright eyed and ready to begin in the hopes of making their way through the ranks. We must be there for all of them as we are a community now.

The Last Night

On June 17th at approximately 9 pm (Eastern Daylight Time) the Federation Command and the Vanguard Command forums will become unavailable for all but administrators. A carefully verified and final database snapshot of Federation Command will be taken and transferred to the custodianship of Vanguard Command where it will be imported and converted into the Vanguard Command database.

By 12 am (Eastern Daylight Time), the switch will be flipped and Vanguard Command will come online and you will begin your new experience not as a member of Federation Command but as a member of Vanguard Command.

I am uncertain at what time Costello will mass email all users but at some point you will receive an email from Vanguard Command welcoming you the next generation Federation Command.

Honoring the Past
Captain Janeway
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Re: Vanguard Command: The Long Night of Solace

Post by Shroombuck »

Onwards and upwards!
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Re: Vanguard Command: The Long Night of Solace

Post by Kaito »

Well said, look forward!

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Re: Vanguard Command: The Long Night of Solace

Post by Azami »

A new beginning lets make our future a better one.
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Re: Vanguard Command: The Long Night of Solace

Post by Picard »

Long live Vanguard Command!
Thank you,
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