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Challenges ahead - Celebrating 10 years of gaming.

Posted: January 27th, 2012, 1:25 am
by Picard
Greetings FC officers, enemies of the state, honored and/or intoxicated guests,

Please forgive me for this long overdue speech, however it could not come at a better time for me and FC. Since Star Trek Online has been transformed into a free to play game Federation Command has seen a huge boost of activity, followed by renewed interest into the game for many of its officers. It is not by accident that FC should once again, start to grow and flourish despite the inactivity of many of its leaders. This is a testament to your experience and wisdom, you have proved once more to be the finest officers of the community and it an honor for me and Fleet Admiral Jesse to command a fleet of such experienced officers.

With renewed interest and new members comes challenges but also opportunities. A few months ago the future of the community looked grimed, while many clans who had been struggling were closing down we pushed thru as a community of friends. Respecting our founding principles of quality over quantity we have prevailed and can now see the beautiful future that awaits this community.

This year will mark the 10th anniversary of the formation of Federation Command. It is truly remarkable that an organization has managed to survive for so long and through such turbulent times. I am of course, including UFP's history in this timeline, since UFP's mother clan was after all FC. The two fleet share a common history and a common membership. In all this time FC and UFP fought many wars and stood tall under the strong leadership of many admirals now currently serving in FC. I believe that FC can easily claim to have the members who have the most experience in the community, with a considerable part of its membership having fought under the FC/UFP banner for 5 to 10 years. This reality adds to our responsibility to preserve the Star Trek Community we shaped and introduce it to the new generations of STO players who will at last be able to fully experience Star Trek gaming as it should be. In a decade old, stable, strong, experienced and professional fleet.

I have come to witness that many of our veterans are becoming disillusioned of Star Trek gaming and to fight for the survival of a community that no longer exists in their eyes. To this I say: it is time to build a new community. With STO now free to play and a new Star Trek movie due to be released soon I believe we can safely claim that a new community will emerge. Find pleasure in small things, FC is no longer a burden to any of you it should be a way to escape reality and have fun enjoying simple things such as gaming with friends. Follow the path many have already choose, return to STO and return to active status with your comrades of many years.

As new members continue to join our great clan, I pledge to continue to increase activity, shake things up in the council and finish the COC necessary for the smooth operation of the fleet. These are exiting times to be a FC officer, a new era is about to emerge and we are well equipped to excel as we have in the past.

It is an honor to serve with you all, I have been Fleet Admiral for over 10 years and I tell you this: given the choice over all the officers I have served with, I would pick all of you in a second. I have served with most of you for years and I have complete faith in your ability to bring FC to a level of greatness we have not seen in years.

Thank you and long live Federation Command.

Re: Challenges ahead - Celebrating 10 years of gaming.

Posted: January 27th, 2012, 1:46 am
by Carbonizer
It has been an honour to be part of a community that is still around and in a sense, play my own part in it. Indeed, of all the (small-ish) fleets I have seen/been a part of, [UFP] and [FC] has housed my my greatest gaming acheivements. From BC to STO.

May [FC] live long and prosper. Chin chin !

Re: Challenges ahead - Celebrating 10 years of gaming.

Posted: January 27th, 2012, 5:23 am
by Exeter
Love to read your speeches Admiral, so inspiring.

Live long and prosper, FC!

Re: Challenges ahead - Celebrating 10 years of gaming.

Posted: January 27th, 2012, 5:50 am
by Zion
May her future shine bright for another 10 years

Re: Challenges ahead - Celebrating 10 years of gaming.

Posted: January 27th, 2012, 8:00 am
by Resistance
Glory and Honor to Federation Command!

Many brave and honorable warriors have been spawned from Federation Command. It is my hope that continues to happen.

Re: Challenges ahead - Celebrating 10 years of gaming.

Posted: January 27th, 2012, 8:32 am
by Shroombuck
Hear, hear!

Re: Challenges ahead - Celebrating 10 years of gaming.

Posted: January 27th, 2012, 9:08 am
by Costello
Well said Admiral, we're still alive and kicking alright, I hope Federation Command continues to flourish.

Re: Challenges ahead - Celebrating 10 years of gaming.

Posted: January 27th, 2012, 9:55 am
by Hartley
I have no doubt [FC] will continue kick ass and take names well into the future.

Re: Challenges ahead - Celebrating 10 years of gaming.

Posted: January 27th, 2012, 2:07 pm
by Kelbie
Well said Admiral :D

Re: Challenges ahead - Celebrating 10 years of gaming.

Posted: January 27th, 2012, 6:36 pm
by Alexraptor
Hear him! :mrgreen: