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Think Tank- Officer quotes

Posted: December 21st, 2014, 12:45 am
by Hoss
Making you stretch your brains and pull out your hair from Cadet to Fleet Admiral.... This is: The Think Tank!!!

Ok I've got 5 quotes from Star Trek that are various sources of Characters saying different statements. See if you can match up the quote with a Star Trek character. Please personal message me with your potential answers, and I will put your correct answers up on the post myself. Please place your answers in my mailbox before you post the answer on the forum, just so others can take a guess :) send answers labeled 1-5

To quote ambassador Spock, the needs of the many, outlay the needs
Of the few.

You have committed an act of aggression against the United federation of

So much for the little training cruise

It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose, that is not a weakness that is life!!

Oh very clever Worf, eat any good books lately?

Re: Think Tank- Officer quotes

Posted: December 21st, 2014, 7:58 am
by Hoss
EVOXSNES- So Close!!!!

4-Kevin Spacey as Lex Luthor to Lois Lane: WWWRROOOONNNGGG!!!
5- Correct

Got really close I was impressed!!! 4 Correct without looking it up, great job :) Remember these are for laughs and fun, step in everyone give it a shot. Can you beat Evoxsnes without looking?

Well.... I guess you could look.... But your gonna feel bad about it. Your gonna know you stole the answer, and stealing answers aren't answers that stick in your mind, but the feeling in that pit of your stomach for taking that peak at the answers... Don't do it!!! You're just a boy!! You can figure it out!! Just watch every episode of every season you'll get it! You get to watch the awesomeness of Star Trek through all the great seasons.... Well.... Except for seasons 1 & 2, of like, every series... You ever try to get someone to watch Star Trek with you, and you want to go season by season, and they can't do it because the first to were just... Bad?? Yea... Me too.. Lost a lot of girlfriends. Next girl is starting at season three. Doesn't matter which series, it's starting on three.

Anyway.. No peaking!!!