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The Constiution
Code of Conduct
Chain of Command


Starfleet and Starfleet Command were established by the Council of Admirals in the FC Constitution with the purpose of providing a stable gaming community within FC. As stated in the FC Constitution it shall consist of all officers of FC, regardless of rank. This document hereinafter refered to as the "Starfleet Charter" is designed to outline all Starfleet policies and procedures as lawfully promulgated hereto govern Starfleet.


This Article hereby creates The Quadrants (Sectors) Of Starfleet. FC shall consist of two sectors, the Alpha Quadrant and Delta Quadrant. All quadrants fall under the command of Starfleet Command. Officers can be a reserve for more than one fleet, but will serve in only one assigned fleet.

Alpha Quadrant

The Alpha Quadrant is primarily designed for Star trek Online players.

Delta Quadrant

The Delta Quadrant shall support all trek games apart from Star Trek Online.


Starfleet Command

Starfleet shall be commanded by two officers; the Starfleet CO and the Starfleet XO appointed or unappointed at the Fleet Admirals discretion. Starfleet Command's mandate is to oversee and "macromanage" the operations of Starfleet as a whole and to give strategic guidance and command support to Fleet Command on how to manage Starfleet's assets. The Starfleet CO and Starfleet XO are the highest and second highest authorities in Starfleet respectively unless otherwise stated. The Starfleet CO will report directly to the Council of Admirals when a fleetwide situation arises. The Executive Committee and Council of Admirals are considered to hold command authority over Starfleet in all matters pertaining to Starfleet, and may exercise this power at their discretion.

The officer holding the Starfleet CO position can:
  • Modify the duty roster of all Fleets and Squadrons at his/her discretion
  • Order Reports from those under his/her command
  • Promote up to and including the rank of Starfleet Admiral all officers under his/her command
  • Demote officers under his/her command as specified in the Code of Conduct
  • Give out awards as specified in the FC Awards policy for Starfleet Command
  • Auditor General (suspended)
The Starfleet XO, if appointed, can:
  • Order Reports from those under his/her command
  • Promote up to and including the rank of Commodore
  • Demote officers under his/her command as specified in the Code of Conduct Give out awards as specified in the FC Awards policy for Starfleet Command
The Starfleet CO is expected to maintain integrity, activity and interest at the Fleet Command level, as well as give advice and form good working relationships with those under his/her command. The Starfleet XO is expected to assist the Starfleet CO with the above as needed, as well as to help Fleet Commanders with their day to day tasks as needed or requested more as a colleague than a commander.

Fleet Command

Each Fleet shall be commanded by up to two officers, with a "Fleet CO" and optionally a "Fleet XO" who are the highest and second highest authorities in their assigned Fleets. These positions shall be managed and maintained directly by Starfleet Command.

The officer holding a Fleet CO position can, unless over-ruled by Starfleet Command:
  • Create and disband squadrons at his/her discretion, unless created in this charter
  • Order Reports from those under his/her command
  • Promote up to and including the rank of Commodore
  • Demote officers under his/her command as specified in the Code of Conduct
  • Give out awards as specified in the FC Awards policy for Fleet Command
The Fleet XO is given the authority of a Squadron CO for the jurisdiction of a Fleet, below, with the addition of:
  • Order Reports from those under his/her command
The Fleet CO is expected to maintain integrity, activity and interest at the Squadron Command level, as well as give advice and form good working relationships with those under his/her command. The Fleet XO is expected to assist the Squadron CO with the above as needed, as well as to help Squadron Commanders with their day to day tasks as needed or requested more as a colleague than a commander.

Squadron Command

The Squadron CO is the highest authority in his/her squadron; The Squadron XO is the second highest authority in a squadron. The Squadron CO can:
  • Give out awards as specified in the FC Awards policy for Squadron Command
  • Send out promotions and higher award recommendations to Fleet Command when requested
  • Issue written warnings to officers under his/her command as specified in the Code of Conduct
  • Suggest officers for the "War list" (see Section IV)
The squadron XO is required to help assemble reports to the Fleet XO or CO with the Squadron CO as requested by Fleet Command.

The Squadron CO is expected to maintain integrity, activity and interest at the Squadron level, as well as give advice and form good working relationships with those under his/her command. The Squadron XO is expected to assist the Squadron CO with the above as needed, as well as to help Squadron officers with their day to day tasks as needed or requested more as a colleague than a commander.