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The Constiution
Code of Conduct
Chain of Command


IV.I The Council of Admirals of FEDERATION COMMAND (hereinafter: Council)

The Council of Admirals shall be the highest decision making authority of FEDERATION COMMAND. Its membership is separate from that of the Privy Council and is selected either by the Executive Committee (or Fleet Admiral) or though a majority vote of its own membership. The following positions are assigned by this article:

      1. Executive Committee (or Fleet Admiral) [Chairs the Council of Admirals]
      2. Between four or six (4-6) non-executive Council seats

The Council of FEDERATION COMMAND commands the Fleet in a democratic fashion. Chaired by the Executive Committee (or Fleet Admiral), each member is entitled to one (1) vote on all motions placed before the Council of Admirals. The minimum number of members in the Council of Admirals at any one time excluding the Executive Committee (or Fleet Admiral) is four (4), while the maximum is six (6). This is solely at the Executive Committee's (or Fleet Admiral's) discretion. Orders or directives issued by the Council of Admirals cannot be overruled except by another Council of Admirals vote, even if the Executive Committee (or Fleet Admiral) disagrees.
A Council vote is in effect while the following criteria are met:

       1. Less than seven (7) days have passed since the matter was brought to vote;
       2. Less than three (3) Councillors, or no greater than fifty percent (50%) of active Council of Admirals body, have
           all voted in favour or against the motion.

When seven (7) days have passed and less than fifty percent (50%) of the Council of Admirals has failed to vote or abstains, the vote automatically fails and the Executive Committee (or Fleet Admiral) should investigate and take action if and when they deem it necessary or required. The result of a vote can be announced as "recognised" if the following holds true:

      1. At least four (4) Councillors have voted, and
      2. Greater than fifty percent (50%) of the active Council of Admirals over the seven (7) day voting period votes in
          favour of the motion.

If a vote concludes in a tie, the Executive Committee (or Fleet Admiral) holds the tie-breaking vote. If the Executive Committee does not vote in agreement and the vote is tied, the vote fails. In any other situation, the vote fails.

If the Executive Committee (or Fleet Admiral) strongly disagrees with any vote passed by the Council of Admirals and chooses to veto it as outlined in Article III, The Council of Admirals is permitted to make a second vote to overturn this veto. This second vote must secure unanimous support in the Council of Admirals besides the Executive Committee (or Fleet Admiral).

The members of the Council of Admirals form a seating arrangement which define an order of succession for future Fleet Admirals of FEDERATION COMMAND. The Executive Committee (or Fleet Admiral) is permitted to modify the seating arrangement at their discretion. A lower seat Councillor is automatically moved up one seat if a higher-seated Councillor departs. Where blank seats exist in the Council of Admirals, the Council of Admirals may, in a majority vote, add another member to the Council of Admirals to fill the lowest available seat. Any appointment made by the Council of Admirals can be vetoed without appeal by the Executive Committee (or Fleet Admiral) who has ultimate responsibility for the Council of Admirals duty roster, and is the highest authority in its administration.