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The Constiution
Code of Conduct
Chain of Command


1.1 General Conduct

All Officers, regardless of rank, are to conduct themselves in a mature and professional manner. Conduct such as flaming, harassing, spamming, racism, excessive swearing, rude, abusive or physically threatening behaviour will not be tolerated. The only exception is when an officer asks for (and is granted) permission to talk freely; all officers involved in the conversation must grant permission, regardless of rank. This exception does not apply if the officer(s) in question is conversing with another clan or fleet. Distribution and posting of inappropriate content such as that which is sexually suggestive, pornographic, contains nudity, excessive violence or gore is not acceptable. Repeated posting of inappropriate content, when warned not to do so by a superior officer or member of Security, can be considered an offense.

1.2 Conduct in Games

All members of FEDERATION COMMAND must show respect and courtesy to members in the lobby or chat console or during a game regardless of any other persons actions. All rude, abusive, or hostile behaviour will be severely punished by FEDERATION COMMAND and/or by other clans. Officers of FEDERATION COMMAND are to remain professional at all times, especially if they are in the vicinity of non-members.

1.3 Conduct During Wars

Officers are to conduct themselves just as they would in any other situation described in this article. They are to follow the defined rules of engagement and the orders of their superiors. FEDERATION COMMAND Officers are not to directly fire on other FEDERATION COMMAND Officers unless in a private secured channel where warring clans are not present.

1.4 Standard of activity

Officers are to remain active in Starfleet as well as any departments they are assigned to. If an officer cannot remain active in Starfleet, they should go on leave (less than 1 month of inactivity), on extended leave (less than 3 months of inactivity), or retirement (greater than 3 months of inactivity) until they can provide that activity. Exceptions to this are granted by the Executive Committee or Fleet Admiral. If an officer cannot remain active in a department, they should resign from that department so an active replacement can be found.

Members of the Council of Admirals are held to higher activity standards than enlisted officers. If a Councilor is unable to meet these requirements, he or she is expected to request an appropriate leave of absence or in extreme cases, removal from the Council. Exceptions to this may be granted by the Fleet Admiral.

1.5 Standard of Councilors

In addition to the postulates of paragraphs 1.1-1.4; Councilors must adhere to the following precepts: Despite the degree of lenience that is permitted within Council Chambers, Councilors serve as role models and their conduct must reflect that. Violations of section 1.1-1.4 will be treated accordingly: A category 1 or 2 offense is standalone grounds for dismissal from the Council at the discretion of the Executive Committee or Fleet Admiral.


All officers of FEDERATION COMMAND shall be subject to and shall follow the Chain of Command at all times. This specifically applies to all officers who have assignments, duties or direct orders. No officer is permitted to publicly question the propriety or wisdom of an order/directive issued to him/her, nor is any officer permitted to privately question said order/directive with another officer.Discussion of an order issued to an officer with any person not a member of FEDERATION COMMAND is strictly forbidden. If an officer is troubled by an order, directive, or assignment issued to him/her, they are to immediately state their concern to the issuing officer, who shall note such concerns and then either withdraw or affirm the order. In the event the order is affirmed, the officer to whom the order, directive or assignment is issued shall diligently perform the duties required of him/her until the said order, directive, or assignment is completed. In no event may the officer delay in performing an affirmed order he/she questioned to seek redress from a higher authority. Such delay shall be considered insubordination, even in the event the order itself is eventually withdrawn.

If, after performing the order, duty, or assignment, the officer in question still feels that the order and/or assignment was unethical or unbecoming, he/she may take his case to his/her commanding officer. In the event that the commanding officer is the officer issuing the said order, then the officer in question is permitted to take his/her complaint to the next highest ranking officer. Any officer receiving a complaint regarding an order or assignment is to report it to his/her commanding officer and it is to be passed along the Chain of Command until it reaches the Council of Admirals.

No officer of FEDERATION COMMAND is permitted to issue an order, directive, or assignment in the name of the Council except the Executive Committee or Fleet Admiral; nor is any officer permitted to post a message in the name of FEDERATION COMMAND or its Council unless said message has been specifically authorized by the Council of Admirals or the Executive Committee or Fleet Admiral.An officer placed in a command position, by a superior officer or the Council, is the highest authority in his/her command. The individuals assigned to him/her play a subordinate role regardless of their rank.


3.1 Definitions

Breakages of the Code of Conduct are considered an offense. All offenses in FEDERATION COMMAND fall under one of the following definitions:

Sedition and/or Treason - The inciting of hostility against FEDERATION COMMAND Command and/or an act of deliberate betrayal against the Fleet.Example: Officers who have knowingly spied, leaked sensitive information, or actively destroyed our relations with another clan which may lead to war, are guilty of treason.

Insubordination - Failure to obey, comply with, or carry out a reasonable order from a superior officer.Example: Officers who have disobeyed direct orders are guilty of Insubordination.

Conduct Unbecoming an Officer - A deliberate violation of conduct.Example: Officers who were rude, abusive or disrespectful to either an FEDERATION COMMAND officer or any other officer are guilty of conduct unbecoming of an Officer.

Other - Any other breakage of the Code of Conduct

3.2 Categories of OffenseThe above definitions are broken down into two Categories, Category I (severe) offenses, Category II (misdemeanour) offenses.

Category I Offenses:

Sedition and/or treason, multiple or severe acts of insubordination, multiple or severe conduct unbecoming of an officer or another reason that negatively impacts the fleet.

Any officer found guilty of a Category I offense may be dismissed from FEDERATION COMMAND, demoted multiple ranks, or issued any other punishment which is deemed appropriate. The Security department, under orders from the Security CO (or in his/her absence the Security XO), may temporarily suspend an officers access to (or abilities on) the FEDERATION COMMAND forums for an offense in this category if they believe it to be a threat to FEDERATION COMMAND for that access to remain, especially in the case of sedition/treason. This suspension can only be overridden at the discretion of a position permitted to prosecute a Category I offense.

Positions/bodies permitted to prosecute a Category I offenses: The Council of Admirals (by vote), Executive Committee, Fleet Admiral or Fleet Executive.

Note: Only the Councils of Admirals, the Executive Committee, Fleet Admiral or Fleet Executive may remove a commissioned officer from FEDERATION COMMAND.

Category II Offenses:

Category II offenses can encompass most types of offenses except sedition/treason (the highest offense in FEDERATION COMMAND). The two most common: Insubordination and conduct unbecoming an officer are usually considered category II offenses, but may also be considered a category I offense for multiple or unusually serious violations. Any officer found guilty of a Category II offense shall be subject to the following discipline:

First offense - Written warning and/or single demotion.

Second offense (within 6 months of prior infraction) - Written warning and/or single demotion.

Third offense (within 6 months of second offense) - Written warning and/or single demotion or authorise upgrade to Category I offense.

Positions/bodies permitted to prosecute Category II offenses: Those authorised to prosecute for Category I offenses, plus: all members of the Council of Admirals, the Security CO and the Starfleet CO/XO. Those authorised can only prosecute those of lesser rank than themselves.

Any person from outside FEDERATION COMMAND wishing to lodge a complaint may do so via PM ONLY to the Executive Committee, Fleet Admiral or Fleet Executive. If decided that the compliant is valid, the Executive Committee, Fleet Admiral or Fleet Executive will charge the officer in question. No other officer of FEDERATION COMMAND may lodge a complaint on behalf of another person.

3.3 Your Rights:

All officers of FEDERATION COMMAND accused of a Category I or Category II offense may either accept the specifications of charges lodged against them, or they may request a hearing. To lodge an objection, he or she may appeal the punishment by promptly forwarding it to the Office of the Judge Advocate General. To have an appeal presided over by the Judge Advocate General, you must post an appeal in the corresponding forum section.

Once a matter has been submitted to Judge Advocate General, there is no recourse. All matters are then in the jurisdiction of the Judge Advocate General department which will follow the appropriate course of action until a verdict is delivered.


By submitting your oath you agree to be bound by all current and future articles of this Code of Conduct, the Constitution, and all amendments and fleet policies.By becoming an officer of FEDERATION COMMAND, you automatically agree that you have read and understood this Code of Conduct. Accordingly, you agree to post a message on the FEDERATION COMMAND Forums affirming your acceptance of this charter and its article in these words:

I, _____________, solemnly and sincerely affirm that, on becoming commissioned within FEDERATION COMMAND, I will with the utmost honour, integrity, and respect, be faithful and bear true allegiance to the Constitution and associated Policies, customs and glorious traditions of FEDERATION COMMAND and all lawful orders of the Officers appointed above me, for as long as I remain an Officer.